If you require a plant tailored to meet your requirements, our engineers are there to help you: our Group’s experience in creating fully automated, Industry 4.0-compliant plants enables us to create just what your company needs.

All our customized solutions are designed to ensure perfect compatibility with your corporate software. And do not let the lead times put you off: we are remarkably fast and efficient.

Contact us for a free estimate.

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as you prefer: via mail or telephone, you will find us ready to answer your queries

info@klaeger.com +49 (0)7151 369 030

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Klaeger Marken von Istech Segatrici srl

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  • 15 Donatori di Sangue St – 20043 Vanzago (MI), Italy
  • Mon-Fri 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM / 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM
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