Our offices are conveniently located in heart of Baden-Württemberg, less than 15 km north-west of Stuttgart’s Central Station.
Should you happen to be in the area, please drop in: we’re always glad to see old friends and to meet new acquaintances!

Klaeger Sägetechnik GmbH

  • Tulpenstraße 52,  D-71394 Kernen
  • Opening hours: 8am-1pm, 2pm-5pm, Mondays to Fridays

How can we help you?

For any technical query, price quote, book-keeping issue or any other question you might have, please feel free to contact us: following are the specific contacts of our different branches.

Technical department

Sales office


Contact us
as you prefer: via mail or telephone, you will find us ready to answer your queries

info@klaeger.com +49 (0)7151 369 030

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